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cloud comics 2
average writing
skilled art
historical bonus 2
total score 6
Cloud Comics #2
Only Printing / 1972 / 36 Pages / Head Imports

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The second issue of Cloud Comics is a measurable improvement over the first. Bill Skurski's lead story, "The Rape of Mother Earth," is pretty decent and Peter Bramley's Cahoot Cheroot adventure ain't bad until its incomprehensible conclusion. Jay Kinney definitely improves the book with his "Wholesome Twins." There's a couple clunkers here (including another photo collage story), but most of it is readable.

It is currently unknown how many copies of this comic book were printed. It has not been reprinted.

Bill Skurski - 1-9
Leslie Cabarga - 10
Norwood Farley - 10 (lyrics)
Peter Bramley - 11-16, 20, 36
P.J. O'Rourke - 17-19 (script collaboration)
Joe Kane - 17-19 (script collaboration)
Ned Sonntag - 17-19 (art)
Jay Kinney - 21-24
Michael Sullivan - 25-28
Peter Locke - 25-28
Dianne Wade - 25-28 (model)
Tom Hatchman (aka Mary Pickles) - 29
Gail Burwan - 30-35