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solid writing
skilled art
historical bonus 2
total score 6
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Wimmen's Comix
Only Printing / July, 1973 / 44 pages / The Print Mint
Manhunt! was edited by Terry Richards, one of the earliest women underground cartoonists and already one of the collective that guided Wimmen's Comix. Not surprising, Manhunt! is a feminist comic, but it is distinguished by the significant number of contributions from male artists and writers.

The work in Manhunt! is exemplified by Michele Brand's opening story, "I Loved a Vampire ...and Lived," which is about a college-age woman who falls in love with a man with a skirt-chasing reputation. Sure enough, the man proves his reputation accurate and the woman becomes depressed, but when she gets a chance for redemption she seizes it in a mature way and chalks up the entire experience as one of life's lessons.

The stories that follow feature a mean woman taking advantage of a gullible man; a romance parody about a young wife who can't satisfy her husband's need for a variety of... good breakfast; a gluttonous woman who nearly loses her husband over her obsession with food; and a woman who jeopardizes her marriage trying to follow a sex-advice book and fulfill her sexual potential.

Manhunt! is a solid comic that provides insights to love relationships without being heavy handed on the man hating or feminist radicalism.
The Print Mint produced approximately 20,000 copies of this comic book. It has not been reprinted

Terry Richards - editor, 2
Lee Marrs - 1, 44 (art)
Michele Brand - 3-6
Gary Hallgren - 7-8, 22-23
Melody Friendship - 9-12
Willy Murphy - 13-14
Aline Kominsky - 15-20
Nancy Griffith - 21
Ted S. Richards - 24, 37-42
Lora Fountain - 25-29
Gary King - 30-31
Bobby London - 32-35
Shelby Sampson - 36
Sharon Kahn Rudahl - 43
Gail Madonia - 44 (script)