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junkwaffel 5
solid writing
skilled art
historical bonus 2
total score 6
Junkwaffel #5
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Only Printing / 1973 / 36 pages / Last Gasp
Eight years after Vaughn Bodé's tragic death, his former wife Barbara teamed up with Last Gasp to continue the Junkwaffel series. Their intention was to produce two or three new issues, but ultimately only one was published. Junkwaffel #5 includes a short story about a small but fierce war between lizards and toads that was apparently intended as a first chapter to a longer story, four brief strips featuring the same War Lizards that appeared in issue #2 (but without the brutal insight), a text-heavy tale called "Noname" that kind of meanders nowhere, and 12 pages of a serialized strip called "Zooks!" which is about the first lizard to pilot a space ship in orbit.

Junkwaffel #5 is about equal in quality to the fourth issue, but it doesn't have a "Cobalt 60" to raise its score by a point. There are a handful of nifty illustrations by Bodé, including the back cover, but the rest of the content falls a bit short of Bodé's best work.
It is currently unknown how many copies of this comic book were printed. It has not been reprinted.
Vaughn Bodé - 1-36