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insect fear 3
excellent writing
exceptional art
historical bonus 2
total score 8
Insect Fear #3
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Only Printing / March, 1973 / 36 pages / The Print Mint
Insect Fear #3 delivers more chilling tales of the human race in conflict with the superior insect world. S. Clay Wilson provides a rare plotted story with "Insomnia Angst." This great book also features Rory Hayes, Jim Osborne, Justin Green, Jaxon, Larry Todd, Kim Deitch and an outstanding story by Charles Dallas. Full review coming soon.
The Print Mint printed approximately 30,000 copies of this comic book. It has not been reprinted.
Spain Rodriguez - 1, 24-26
Jim Osborne - 2
S. Clay Wilson - 3-6
Justin Green - 7
Rory Hayes - 8-11
Kim Deitch - 12-16
Roger Brand - 17-23
Charles Dallas - 27-33
Larry S. Todd - 34
Jack Jackson - 35
Joe Schenkman - 36