The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers #1
5th Printing / 1972? / 52 pages / Rip Off Press
First Printing February, 1971
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The debut of the first Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comic book came years after Gilbert Shelton had already popularized the characters through countless appearances in underground newspapers across the country (and the world). The comic strips that appear in this issue were culled from Freak Brothers strips Shelton had produced for various publications, including the L.A. Free Press. The majority of stories here are one-pagers, but there are a few multi-page stories, including "The Freaks Pull A Heist" and "The Freak Brothers Go To College," both memorable and funny tales.
There are 21 printings of this comic book, all by Rip Off Press. There are too many variations, cover tells and other miscellaneous historical information to be notated for all 21 printings in this space, so that information will be provided on the pages associated with each particular printing. The cover prices and a brief description of the variations are noted in the table of linked images below.
Gilbert Shelton 1-52
1st Printing
50-cent cover, purple price, zipatone road, gray tire, black flag.
2nd Printing
50-cent cover, purple price, white road and tire, yellow fire escape. |
3rd Printing
50-cent cover, purple price, blue flag on back cover. |
4th Printing
50-cent cover, blue price, cross hatching added to many areas. |