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deep 3d 2nd
solid writing
skilled art
historical bonus 3total score 7
Deep 3D Comix
2nd Printing / January, 1972 / 36 pages / Kitchen Sink
First Printing Summer, 1970
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It's not surprising that somebody would try an underground comic with 3-D technology, and so here it is from Kitchen Sink. The artwork is almost all by Don Glassford, who also appeared in Smile #2, Hungry Chuck Biscuits, Mom's Homemade Comics #3 and a few issues of Snarf. Jay Lynch also does a one-pager.

The most unfortunate thing for today's collectors regarding Deep 3D Comix is that the interior printing has faded pretty badly on just about every copy in existence (at one time I had six copies from all three printings and none of the ink had survived very well). The 75-year-old technology for 3D printing used only cyan and red ink, and when printed on the underground's cheap newsprint interior stock, the colors were bound to fade in short order. Kitchen Sink blew it and should have used a better quality white paper stock for this comic, since all the hard work that went into producing Deep 3D Comix was pretty much wasted (not that Kitchen Sink was the first or the last to make this mistake).

It was also unfortunate, but at least not disastrous, that Kitchen Sink decided to glue the 3D glasses for Deep 3D Comix between the front cover and the first page of the comic for the first printing. Over time and under almost any storage conditions, this location led to silhouette impressions appearing on the front cover from the 3D glasses, unless they were promptly removed from a new copy. Denis Kitchen could not have picked a worse place to affix the glasses...oh wait, yes he could. In the 2nd printing, Kitchen Sink actually stapled the glasses to the inside front cover. Real nice to have two staple prongs popping through your front cover! Kitchen finally wised up for the 3rd printing and attached the glasses in the middle of the comic, where they should have been all along.

The faded interior pages from Deep 3D Comix can still be viewed with 3D glasses and provide some 3D effect, even though the effect is weakened. I can attest that 3D viewing on the computer works remarkably well, so go dig up some stereoscopic glasses (with the red and blue lenses) and check out the two sample pages (one that's been Photoshopped and one that hasn't).

There are three printings of Deep 3D Comix, all by Kitchen Sink. The 1st printing (10,000 copies) has a 75-cent cover price. The 2nd and 3rd printings (10,000 copies each) both have $1.00 cover prices, but state which printing they are on the inside front cover. The 2nd printing can be distinguished from the 3rd printing based on the front cover, if you can spot the staple or staple holes that held the 3D glasses to the inside front cover. The 3D glasses for the 3rd printing were printed with a perforated card placed in the middle of the book, which also contained advertising for other underground comics by Kitchen Sink.

Don Glassford - 1-25, 27-34
Jay Lynch - 26, 35 (ad)
Peter Poplaski - 35 (ad)
Denis Kitchen - 36
deep 3d 1st spacer10 deep 3d comix 3rd
1st Printing
75-cent cover, states
print edition on IFC.
3rd Printing
$1.00 cover, states
print edition on IFC.