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commies from mars 1
solid writing
skilled art
historical bonus 3
total score 7
Commies from Mars #1
Only Printing / March, 1973 / 36 Pages / Kitchen Sink
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The first issue of Commies from Mars was not entirely reflective of the content that appeared in subsequent issues after the title was revived in 1979. For instance, there is a major Barefootz story by Howard Cruse in this issue, and Cruse did not reappear in any later issues of the series. Nor did Steve Stiles, Bill Crawford or Grass Green, who also contributed stories here. Which is not to say this comic suffers greatly from these anomalies. Commies from Mars #1 is a very amusing read. But the series really begins to assume a much more remarkable personality with the second issue.

Kitchen Sink printed approximately 10,000 copies of this comic book. When the book was printed, the interior pages from the first part of the print run were assembled out of order during the binding process. There were about 3,000 copies of the book assembled out of order, with an undetermined number surviving in the collectibles market (they are pretty rare). The assemblage of interior pages was corrected for the final 7,000 copies of the book, which is the version that is commonly found. The comic book has not been reprinted.

Tim Boxell (aka Grisly) - 1, 5, 6, 8-12, 29-32
Peter Poplaski - 2
Steve Stiles - 3-4, 7
Bill Crawford - 13-17
Howard Cruse - 18, 20-28
Richard "Grass" Green - 19
Steve L. Griffen - 33
Robert Crumb - 35 (ad)
Peter Manesis - 36