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blood on the moon
solid writing
exceptional art
historical bonus 3
total score 8
Blood on the Moon
Only Printing / July, 1978 / 36 Pages / Last Gasp

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Before Jack Jackson published his epic graphic novel (perhaps the first of its kind) Comanche Moon in 1978, Last Gasp published the three comic books that comprised the majority of the novel. Blood on the Moon is the final chapter in the trilogy that began with White Comanche and Red Raider. In these remarkable books, Jackson follows his stomach-churning tale of the Sand Creek Massacre, "Nits Make Lice" in Slow Death #7, with the story of Quanah Parker, the half-white, half-Indian leader of the Texas Comanche Indians who led his tribe in a desperate fight for survival against the white people in the final years of the Plains Indian wars.

According to some historians, Comanche Moon was the first true graphic novel. Jackson went on to produce additional graphic novels about the history of Texas, but none were quite so highly praised, nor as groundbreaking, as his first.
Last Gasp printed approximately 10,000 copies of this comic book. It has not been reprinted.
Jack Jackson - 1-36