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arcade 5
solid writing
exceptional art
historical 3
score 8
Arcade, The Comics Revue #5

Only Printing /
Spring, 1976 / 52 Pages / The Print Mint
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"The Calvin Coolidge Story"? "Gotterdammerung" (a serious story about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and it ain't no Maus)? A religious fable with Zippy in the 16th century? Oh, boy, what fun! At least S. Clay Wilson livens up the book with his contribution, and R. Crumb's "Crybaby's Blues" is pretty funny. I even like Jay Lynch's "Famous Frauds" story this time ("Ajeeb").
The Print Mint produced approximately 20,000 copies of this comic magazine. It has not been reprinted.
Art Spiegelman - (co-editor) 3, 4, 33-35
Bill Griffith - (co-editor) 3, 4, 9-14
Willy Murphy - (staff) 29-32
Diane Noomin - (staff) 22
Spain Rodriguez - (staff) 41-45
Jay Lynch - 1, 4
Robert Crumb - 4, 5-8
Kim Deitch - 4, 15-18, 36-37 (art)
S. Clay Wilson - 19-21
George DiCaprio - 23-25 (script)
Justin Green - 23-25 (art), 40
Michael McMillan - 26-27
Rory Hayes - 28
Jim Hoberman - 36-37 (script)
Aline Kominsky - 46
Billy DeBeck 47
Robert Armstrong - 48
Mary K. Brown - 48
Dirk Burhans - 48
Michele Brand - 49
Curt A. McDowell - 49
Robert Williams - 52
Vaughn Bodé - 50 (ad)
D. D. Drakely - 4 (letter)
Ralph Ginzburg - 4 (letter)
Bruce Sweeney - 4 (letter)
Erwin Bergdoll - 4 (letter)
Steve Fisk - 4 (letter)
Ann De Geer - 4 (letter)
Steve Anker - 4 (letter)
Richard Levine - 4 (letter)