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american splendor 4
brilliant writing
exceptional art
historical 3
score 10
American Splendor #4

Only Printing / October, 1979 / 60 Pages / Harvey Pekar

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The first two stories in the fourth issue are fascinating accounts of (1) how Robert Crumb inspired Harvey to get into comics when both of them were complete unknowns, and (2) how Harvey gave up collecting jazz records and financed his own comic book. The first story (“The Young Crumb Story”) is especially interesting in its honest portrayal of R. Crumb in the early 1960s. On top of everything else, Crumb contributes one of his finest comic book covers.
It is currently unknown how many copies of this comic book were printed. Pekar was known to have printed approximately 5,000 copies of early issues of the book, which likely includes this issue. It has not been reprinted.
Harvey Pekar - 1-60 (stories)
Robert Crumb - 1-15 (art), 34-43 (art), 56-58 (art)
Gerry Shamray - 16-33 (art), 51-55 (art)
Gary G. Dumm - 44-50 (art), 60 (art)
Michael T. Gilbert - 59 (art)