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american splendor 14
brilliant writing
exceptional art
historical 3
score 10
American Splendor #14

Only Printing / 1989 / 60 Pages / Harvey Pekar

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David Letterman makes his second cover of American Splendor with the "David Letterman Exploitation Issue," which features a pair of excellent stories beyond the Letterman saga. One is "Lost and Found," a fine tale about how the bond of a strong marriage can counterbalance the frustration of a hazy memory. Another is "Passport to Pimlico," in which Harvey reunites with an old acquaintance and forms a stronger friendship.

Of course, the key story is "The Grand Finale," which details Harvey's final appearance on Late Night with David Letterman. The story is virtually a verbatim account of the appearance, which means that Letterman's quick wit is displayed on an equal plane with Harvey's caustic taunting.

It is currently unknown how many copies of this comic book were printed. Pekar was known to have printed approximately 5,000 copies of early issues of the book, but that may have changed for later issues. This issue has not been reprinted.
Harvey Pekar - 1-60 (stories)
Gary Dumm - 1 (art collaboration), 5-26 (inks), 30 (art collaboration), 42-48 (art collaboration)
Joe Zabel - 1 (art collaboration), 5-26 (pencils), 30 (art collaboration), 31-41 (art collaboration)
Drew Friedman - 2 (art)
Paul Mavrides - 3 (art)
Frank Stack - 4 (art)
Alison Bechdel - 27(a), 28 (art)
Don Simpson - 29 (art)
Laura Darnell Dumm - 42-48 (art collaboration)
William Fogg - 49 (art), 50-57 (art)
Ed Wesolowski - 58 (art)
Rebecca Huntington - 59 (art)
Stephen Destefano - 60 (art)